Contact Name | Keith Endersbee |
Contact Telephone | 07922 111470 |
Email prefix | mapreading |
Frequency/Day/Time | fortnightly, morning |
Venue | Woodbridge/Martlesham area |
Cost | Kept to £10, max. |
Vacancies | Yes |
This short course covers the basics for those who wish to get familiar with map features, map references, directions and bearings, and to practice the use of a compass. It is generally aimed at walkers but is open to anybody with an interest in map reading.
We usually run 6 fortnightly sessions each lasting 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Between sessions, some information notes are given on each topic and some relevant exercises are set, to help consolidate what we have covered. We try to incorporate a short walk to put our new skills into practice.
The group is small, usually 4 participants, enabling the tutor to support each person individually with their learning. A waiting list is held by the group contact and courses are organised when there are enough participants to run effectively on an agreed day of the week, preferably at a member’s home.