(This is a service rather than a group.)

Why not call on u3a mentors who are very willing to try to help solve your computer problems, large or small?

They can help solve problems, or give general help and advice, with things like:

  • Internet and email connections;
  • General aspects of computing;
  • Troubleshooting;
  • Data retrieval;
  • Advice on new computers.

Contact the coordinator or one of the team according to where you live. You will need your u3a membership number.

The service is free but a contribution to travelling expenses is appreciated for longer distances.

Coordinator: Steph Heenan - Ipswich - click here to send an email

The team:

Angela Bell 07747 670262 East Ipswich
Hugh Whitbread 01394 387759 Martlesham, Woodbridge


Problems and Issues:

For news about computing problems and issues, see our Problems and Issues page.

Would you like to join our team?:

If you are interested in helping u3a members with computer problems, please contact the coordinator using the same link above.