Contact Name Carl Gloess
Contact Telephone 07460 902200
Email prefix L3F
Frequency/Day/Time 3rd Tuesday, 10am, for approximately 2 hours
Venue various
Cost Usually £5 per meeting.
Vacancies No - Waiting List in operation
group contact members only


For people interested in visiting different places, viewing wildlife, insects and plants, and learning more about them.


The majority of the sessions will be outdoors, so please wear suitable boots and clothing, and for some the access may be via stiles (of which we'll try to give you advance notice).


For a few winter months we may opt for an indoor meeting where we'll have a presentation with photographs and speaker.


We'll make use both of local guides who can impart their specialist knowledge, and also Group members who are able to share their enthusiasm and information they have of their locality and what we are seeing.


The visits we arrange and the topics chosen will be influenced by the interests of Group members, so full participation is encouraged - please let the leader know of any interesting location you discover!


On occasions there may be a small charge to cover the expenses of any guides/experts we engage for a session.


Our forthcoming session(s) are

 Jun 2024 - Sizewell - Wild Flowers - Walk & Talk

Jul 2024 - Maple Farm - By the Crossways

Reports on previous visits can be viewed by clicking the bold blue links in the table below


Date Location
May 2024   Winks Meadow
Apr 2024   Landguard Point Reserve - (cancelled - weather)
Mar 2024   Carlton Marshes
Feb 2024   Wildflowers (cancelled - speaker ill)
Jan 2024   Social/Quiz - Little Bealings
Dec 2023   Life as an SWT Warden - Jamie Smith
Nov 2023   Bradfield Woods
Oct 2024   Hazelwood Marshes
Sep 2023   Hen Reedbeds
Jul 2023   Reydon Woods
Jun 2023   Bonny Wood
May 2023   Woodbridge - Walking Tour
Apr 2023 Dragonflies
Mar 2023 Martlesham Wilds Visit
Feb 2023 Martlesham Wilds (SWT)
Dec 2022 Hedgerows
Nov 2022 Suffolk Otter Group
Oct 2022 South Elmham - Rewilding Project
Sep 2022 Wicken Fen - National Trust Reserve
Jul 2022 Butterflies
Jun 2022 Newbourne Springs
May 2022 Bees & Beekeeping (Practical follow-up)
1st Mar 2022 Blaxhall Common
1st Feb 2022   Dragonflies
7th Dec 2022   Swift Project
2nd Nov 2021 Groton Wood Nature Reserve
5th Oct 2021 Deer Talk (British Deer Society)
7th Sep 2021 Sizewell Belts Nature Reserve
3rd Mar 2020 Blackbourn Nature Reserve
4th Feb 2020 Flowers on Trees (Esmond's Talk)
10th Dec 2019 Bees & Beekeeping
26th Nov 2019 Belstead Brook
29th Oct 2019 Wolves Wood RSPB Reserve
24th Sep 2019 Earsham Wetland (cancelled-weather)
30th Jul 2019 Sizewell Belts
25th Jun 2019 Butterflies (cancelled-weather)
28th May 2019 Hen Reedbeds, Southwold
30th Apr 2019 Mickfield Meadow
26th Mar 2019 Lackford Lakes (cancelled)
26th Feb 2019 Foxburrow Farm (no report)
4th Dec 2018 Indoor Session (no report)
6th Nov 2018 Blaxhall Common - Fungi
2nd Oct 2018 Fingringhoe Wick - Waders
18th Sep 2018 Ipswich Bat Walk (no report)
3rd Jul 2018 Shingle Street
5th Jun 2018 Scotland Fen - Tangham
1st May 2018 Martins' Meadows
3rd Apr 2018 Landguard Reserve
6th Mar 2018 Fingringhoe Wick Reserve
7th Nov 2017 Lackford Lakes
17th Oct 2017 Knettishall Heath
4th Jul 2017 Carlton Marshes
6th Jun 2017 Chantry Park, Ipswich
2nd May 2017 Lackford Lakes
4th Apr 2017 Minsmere Reserve
2nd Mar 2017 Arboretum, Christchurch Park
7th Feb 2017 Deben riverside (Melton)
6th Dec 2016 Suffolk Owl Sanctuary
1st Nov 2016 Bradfield Woods
4th Oct 2016 Holywells Park
5th Jul 2016 Hollesley Marshes
7th Jun 2016 Martins' Meadows
3rd May 2016 Bonny Wood