Contact Name Joanna Last
Contact Telephone 07776 232449
Email prefix frenchconversationimprovers
Frequency/Day/Time 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 2pm to 4pm
Venue various
Vacancies No but it's worth asking just in case
group contact members only

Salut, est-ce que vous pouvez parler français? Ce groupe s'adresse à ceux qui ont un niveau raisonnable de parole, de lecture et d'écoute. En général nous avons un sujet pour discussion et aussi peut-être une article nous lissons, traduisons et parlons.

Maybe you wish to refresh your knowledge of French and improve confidence to 'give it a go' whilst visiting France. Learning a different language has also been demonstrated to be very beneficial for brain health. We're a non judgemental group and it's more important to join in than worry about making mistakes. We take it in turns to host so there is no charge but don't turn away members whose circumstances mean they can't, although contributing the biscuits is appreciated!