Contact Name Charles Croydon
Contact Telephone 07854 776870
Email prefix ewf
Frequency/Day/Time monthly 2nd Wednesday, 2pm
Venue Ipswich
Cost £25 per year
Vacancies Yes
group contact members only


Are you interested in understanding more about religion and world views? This group is open to u3a members of all faiths and none. We seek to nurture dialogue and understanding, to ask questions, to explore together. Members can suggest how we should spend our time trying to understand other faiths. 


We will have a speaker on an interfaith topic at most meetings. At our last meeting those present agreed that for the rest of 2024 we would  invite the following speakers a Roman Catholic priest, Revd Tom Munford (Anglican bishop's interfaith advisor), Cynthia Capey to lead us in 'Stages of Life' challenge for Interfaith week ang Gurmeet Sually to talk about his Sikh faith journey. In 2025 we are considering talks from the Soka Gakkai Buddhists, Pagans, Zorastrians the Chinese Communuity and Muslims from Ipswich mosque which is linked to Bangladesh and from a mosque linked to Kurdistan. We meet in the library of the Friends Meeting House in Fonnereau Road Ipswich which houses the biggest Interfaith Library in Suffolk. Group members can borrow up to five books


We also plan to visit places of worship but the Ipswich Mosque will not take part in 'Visit My Mosque' on the weekend of 28th and 29th September 2024, but next year. 


Please contact the Group Leader for more information.