Contact Name see “More Information for Members”
Contact Telephone Email only please
Email prefix filmgoing
Frequency/Day/Time 2nd Thursday of the month in the afternoon
Venue Riverside Cinema Woodbridge

Cost of ticket

Cost of tea or coffee

Vacancies No
group contact members only


We see a range of films, in convivial company.

We meet on the 2nd Thursday Afternoon of each month to watch what ever film is showing at the Matinee performance at the Riverside Cinema, Woodbridge.


Arrival times for the films vary according to the time of the performance, but is usually around 2pm.


After the film we move into the restaurant that adjoins the cinema, for a 'cuppa' and a chat about the film.


We each buy our own ticket and refreshments. Senior's ticket £8.50 Tea £3.50 Coffee £3