Contact Name 1 Gail Cornish
Contact Telephone 1 see "More Information for Members"
Contact Name 2 see "More Information for Members"
Contact Telephone 2 see "More Information for Members"
Email prefix lunchclubsunday6
Frequency/Day/Time 3rd or 4th Sunday, 12.30pm
Venue Pubs and restaurants within 10 miles of Ipswich
Vacancies No
group contact members only


All are very welcome to join us.

At present we are a small group which allows everyone to chat easily to each other. There is always a good buzz of conversation. Venue and date of the next lunch is decided at the previous lunch by the members present and then emailed to all members of the group. About 10 days before the next meal a reminder email is spent asking members to confirm if they are attending or unavailable that day. This is to ensure we give the correct numbers to the pub or restaurant.

If you are unwell in the days prior to the meal or on the day we kindly ask you not to attend but let Gail know. Obviously at present there is still lots of Covid still circulating in the community.

We mostly go to pubs and restaurants within 10 miles of Ipswich.

Sunday can be a lonely day so come along and give it a try, you may enjoy yourself.


If you want further information you can contact Gail using the "Email the Group Contact" button above. Please include a phone number if you want Gail to ring you back.

If you are logged in as a member, you can use the "More Information for Members" button to see some photos of our lunches.