Contact Name Barbara Francks
Contact Telephone 01473 273679
Email prefix artappreciation
Frequency/Day/Time 2nd Wednesday, 10am to midday
Venue Martlesham
Vacancies No
group contact members only


The aim of the group is to give participants the tools to look at and appreciate art created between 1000 - 1939. The group will be interactive and the major emphasis will be on learning to look at works of art. Members will be encouraged to discuss what they are looking at and seeing with the group.


Group size will be limited to 8-10 members and will be held in Martlesham. The group will be encouraged to provide information on galleries, exhibitions and suggest works of art to be researched and discussed. Members will be encouraged to bring to the group their views on exhibitions they have visited or other pertinent information to share with the group.


It is hoped that one or two gallery visits may be planned in the future.