Contact Name Katie Adams
Contact Telephone 01473 683424
Email prefix novelsandnatters3
Frequency/Day/Time 2nd Thursday, 10.30am to midday
Venue Martlesham Pavilion, The Drift, Martlesham Heath, IP5 3PL
Cost small charge to cover the cost of the hall
Vacancies No
group contact members only


The nature of choosing books and where we hold our meetings has changed since Covid struck. We no longer meet in members houses but instead hire the Martlesham Pavilion for which we collect a fee of £5 every three meetings or so in order to cover the hire costs. Most members do not wish to purchase books so as group leader I investigate the Suffolk Library site and choose books that have the number of copies available for our group to read. The topics cover different genres and include the occasional non-fiction as well as the more usual fiction novels. Members of the group take it in turns to choose follow up discussion questions.

For our December choice this year we did a version of a "Secret Santa" in that we each contributed/loaned a book for other members to read. This was then be reviewed at the January meeting, after which the book was be returned to the person who originally brought it.